Biography: The Most Famous People in Chinese History

the First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇

Chinese civilization (中国文明) has been a huge source of knowledge to the mankind. By understanding the past events, we can understand our future much better. In the 5,000-year long history of China, there have been numerous people, such as Confucius (孔子, 551 BC-479 BC), Qin Shihuang (秦始皇, 259 BC-210 BC), etc. who shaped China’s future. These people are certainly worth (read must) knowing about, especially if you are learning Mandarin Chinese.

Lao Tzu Biography
Lao Tzu Biography.

So, how many such famous people (from Chinese history) do you know?

The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇)
The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇, 259 BC-210 BC).

On this page, I will recommend you books on Barnes & Noble (eBooks, and paperbacks) to learn biography of famous Chinese people who left indelible marks on Chinese history. These books are suitable for HSK all levels. The sentences/phrases in the books are very simple. Comprehensive vocabulary as well as pinyin Romanization has been included. Hence, these books just perfect for Chinese reading practice. Even if you are just a beginner Level 1, you should give a try. See, how much you can read in these books. 🙂

See my Barnes & Noble for useful Mandarin Chinese self-learning resources, the self-learning books.

Deng Xiaoping Biography (邓小平传): 1904-1997

Deng Xiaoping Biography
Deng Xiaoping Biography.

Deng Xiaoping Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342290) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Mao Zedong Biography (毛泽东传): 1893-1976

Mao Zedong Biography
Mao Zedong Biography.

Mao Zedong Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342269) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Sun Yat-sen Biography (孙中山传): 1866-1925

Sun Yat-sen Biography
Sun Yat-sen Biography.

Sun Yat-sen Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342252) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Kublai Khan Biography (忽必烈传): 1271AD-1368 AD

Kublai Khan Biography
Kublai Khan Biography.

Kublai Khan Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342245) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Genghis Khan Biography (成吉思传): 1162 AD-1227 AD

Genghis Khan Biography
Genghis Khan Biography.

Genghis Khan Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342238) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Su Dongpo Biography (苏东坡传): 1037 AD-1101 AD

Su Dongpo Biography
Su Dongpo Biography.

Su Dongpo Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342221) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Yang Guifei Biography (杨贵妃传): 719 AD-756 AD

Yang Guifei Biography
Yang Guifei Biography.

Su Dongpo Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342214) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Du Fu Biography (杜甫传): 712 AD-770 AD

Du Fu Biography
Du Fu Biography.

Du Fu Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342207) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Li Bai Biography (李白传): 701 AD-762 AD

Li Bai Biography
Li Bai Biography.

Li Bai Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342191) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Sima Qian Biography (司马迁传): 145/135 BC-87/90 BC

Sima Qian Biography
Sima Qian Biography.

Sima Qian Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342184) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Liu Bang Biography (刘邦传): 256 BC-195 BC

Liu Bang Biography
Liu Bang Biography.

Liu Bang Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342177) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Qin Shi Huang Biography (秦始皇传): 259 BC-210 BC

Qin Shi Huang Biography
Qin Shi Huang Biography.

Qin Shi Huang Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342153) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Han Feizi Biography (韩非子传记): ~280 BC-233 BC

Han Feizi Biography
Han Feizi Biography.

Han Feizi Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342306) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Xunzi Biography (荀子传): ~313 BC-238 BC

Xunzi Biography
Xunzi Biography.

Xunzi Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342320) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Qu Yuan Biography (屈原传): 340 BC-278 BC

Qu Yuan Biography
Qu Yuan Biography.

Qu Yuan Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342276) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Zhuangzi Biography (庄子传): ~369 BC-286 BC

Zhuangzi Biography
Zhuangzi Biography.

Zhuangzi Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342337) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Mencius Biography (孟子传): ~372 BC-289 BC

Mencius Biography
Mencius Biography.

Mencius Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342313) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Shang Yang Biography (商鞅传): 390 BC-338 BC

Shang Yang Biography
Shang Yang Biography

Shang Yang Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342160) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Mozi Biography (墨子传): 476/480 BC-390/420 BC

Mozi Biography
Mozi Biography.

Mozi Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342344) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Sun Tzu/Sunzi Biography (孙子传): ~545 BC-470 BC

Sun Tzu Sunzi Biography
Sun Tzu/Sunzi Biography

Sun Tzu Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342351) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Confucius Biography (孔子传): 551 BC-479 BC

Confucius Biography
Confucius Biography.

Confucius Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342146) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Lao Tzu Biography (老子传): ~571 BC-470 BC

Lao Tzu Biography
Lao Tzu Biography.

Lao Tzu Biography: Large print (ISBN– 9798887342283) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Looking forward to your constructive feedback and suggestions.

-Qing Qing Jiang (江清清)

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