I hope you have enjoyed books to learn Mandarin Chinese, such as Chinese history, Chinese short stories, Biography (Most Famous People in Chinese History), and the Chinese Classic Novels. It’s time to discover the biographies of the international personalities: the most famous people in the world history (世界名人简传).

In this page, I will be recommending you a list of books on Barnes & Noble (eBooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers) to learn about the most famous non-Chinese people in the world history. The books in this series include biographies of towering figures, such as Nelson Mandela (曼德拉), Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦), Plato (柏拉图), etc. The Biography series is dedicated to helping Mandarin Chinese learners improve Chinese reading skills.
More books to learn Mandarin Chinese
- Chinese Short Stories (HSK All Levels)
- Biography: The Most Famous People in Chinese History
- Chinese Literature: Famous Novels
- Books to Learn Chinese Geography (HSK All Levels)
- Biography: Most Famous People in World History
- Chinese History Books (HSK All Levels)
Biography: The Most Famous People in World History
Narendra Modi Biography: Prime Minister of India
Large print (ISBN– 9798887342610) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Kim Jong-un Biography: Supreme Leader of North Korea
Large print (ISBN– 9798887342603) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Vladimir Putin Biography: President of Russia
Large print (ISBN– 9798887342597) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Qing Qing