Zhihu- a Chinese Question-Answer website.

What are the Chinese Question-Answer Websites?

There are so many Question-Answer websites in China.

Zhihu- a Chinese Question-Answer website.
Zhihu- a Chinese Question-Answer website.
Lao Tzu Biography
Lao Tzu Biography.

Although it’s difficult to translate the Chinese names to English, here is a simple list of well-known Q & A sites in China:

  • Zhihu: 知乎
  • Baidu Knows: 百度知道
  • Everyone knows: 人人知道
  • Qihoo Q & A: 奇虎问答
  • Q & A Network: 问答网
  • QQ Q & A Network: QQ问答网
  • Confucian Q & A: 儒家问答
  • Dachuang Knowledge Network: 答创知识网
  • Search Q & A: 搜搜问答
  • Tianya Q & A: 天涯问答
Baidu Knows - another Chinese Question-Answer website.
Baidu Knows – another Chinese Question-Answer website.

The first two, Zhihu and Baidu Knows, are my favorites.

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