Overseas Chinese students.

Do Overseas Chinese Dislike the Mainland Chinese?

I don’t think this statement is 100% true.

Overseas Chinese students.
Overseas Chinese students.

Most of the overseas Chinese love their motherland.

Chinese Short Stories Book 1
Chinese Short Stories Book 1.

Even if they became citizens of the foreign countries, they still cherish those sweet memories from China.

They love to visit China.

Chinese flag.
Chinese flag.

In fact, a huge number of overseas Chinese plans to get back to China “some” day. A good number of my teachers at Fudan University have/had foreign degrees. They went overseas for studies, worked there for a while, and got back to China in due course.

Chinese History Book 1 Xia Dynasty.
Chinese History Book 1 Xia Dynasty.

Not to mention, the widespread racism against the Asians is also a reason the West is witnessing brain drain.

Motherland is the motherland. We all love China.

Hence, I feel most of the overseas Chinese have good opinion about China.

You can find a few exceptions. But exceptions are virtually everywhere.

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